I think what woke me up was that I rolled over on my arm. Man, this sucker hurts like hell...Feels like Alien is going to come bustin' out of one of these injection sites....Either that or the right side of my skull since it is starting to get all plugged up with a cold....

Had my last set of vaccine injections last Friday (2/9). Six rows of three injections. The first round was done in my lower arm on the inside, so all in all, seven weeks worth. The next trip I have to make to Philly that is related to the vaccine trial will be on the 28th for the DTH testing to see if my body has mounted a reaction. They inject into my forearm, then on March 2nd I go back in to have the DTH injection site checked by ultrasound (YES, there is a light at the end of the tunnel....aaahhh, March!--see last post). At the visit on the 28th I was already told that I would be ordered up another CT scan to check everything out on the inside too....Now, it goes without saying that this freaks me the HELL out...Man, I am scared this time around. More than I ever have been before anyway. My stomach is knotting up already.
Aside from all the trips to Philly lately, things have been pretty psycho around here. A little more so than what would be considered normal for us, anyway. Since before Christmas, the kiddos have brought home two different varieties of stomach virus and all manner of colds, ear infections, and on and on....and on. Man, I have to agree with my sister who happens to have asthma on this one: "I would rather have an asthma attack than a stomach bug." When one of my kiddos hasn't been an incubus for viral plague (loved that quote from a movie I saw recently...harhar), things have been the average and typical level of busy for a family...which is to say run around like a chicken with its head cut off at times busy.
That plus the recent ice storm along with my seeming inability to crawl too far out of this slump of a mood I have been in about sums up most of what has been going on around here....
Just can't seem to get my head screwed on straight recently. Always near the edge and it doesn't seem to take much lately to push me over it. I mean, come on....I broke down crying over our heater not working properly yesterday. What's up with that?!?!
I just know I can't stand this black mood I have so easily slipped into so often these last couple of months. I should be counting my lucky stars for all the things I do have to be thankful for....I should toughen up. I keep telling myself that there are a TON of people fighting a lot harder than I am right now, dealing with a whole heap more, and still seem to maintain that upbeat, strong and positive attitude in spite of it all.
Not this chick. On the inside, I have been a mess. I can't stand myself when I get this way....I have got to shift my way up and out of this shitty mood I have been fluctuating in and out of....even if I have to claw my way out of it.
Oh! Here's one from the "it could be a whole hell of a lot worse" category: Not having the great benefits that our family has. So far, knock on wood, they have covered almost everything. I do keep getting those letters that let me know about all the claims that have been made (mostly for my medical care, of course *eyes rolling*). Got one recently that was a printout of the numerous...and I mean numerous charges that racked up with that limb perfusion/abdominal lymph node dissection surgery and hospital stay in November: 150,000 bucks and some change. I about blew an artery somewhere in my skull when I saw that. HOLY SHIT. The cost and value of a human life...huh...Hope they don't decide to just drop my ass off the plan like a hot potato.
Aaaahh, well. Hopefully a brighter more positive outlook is right around the corner. If not there is always the option of a stiff drink :)
Never underestimate the value of a stiff drink! : )
Actually I went through a stage where I was relying on that a bit TOO much. Luckily my new pain meds work well so I only drink for enjoyment - not pain relief or mental strength / numbness.
I replyed to you on your myspace also.
Keep me posted on the test results. I really think they'll be good - I don't "feel" like any disasters are coming.
Sheesh, Shannon, no wonder you are down in the dumps..those dang things on your arm look miserable..hope they heal soon now that the treament is coming to an end. Your winter doesn't look much better than your arm for someone that hates the cold and dreariness of wintertime. When we lived on the coast in Jersey, I could hardly believe there was actually snow at the beach..we were in Asbury Park and coming from CA it made no sense to me at all. It was beautiful but just didn't seem right..all the jetties had so much snow and ice, it was unreal.
I'll be waiting to hear about your test results too..I think you will be fine and now for some sunshine and warmth..maybe you need a vacation to a warm spot for a change..any chance of that happening? Love, sue
Dear Shannon,
All I can say about the skin reaction on your arm is OUCH! Of course that's bugging you, I'd be jumping out of my skin. I hate like hell for you to have to go through that and to have sick children on top of it is more than most people could handle at all. I am sending out thoughts and prayers for you too get great news from your upcoming tests! I also hope that it will zip ahead to spring for you too. As ever, Carver
I am in pain just looking at your arm!!! I wish I could make it all better for you. Ow, ow, ow!!!
I'm glad the vaccines are over and hoping for brighter days ahead for you real soon.
I think about you every day and send good thoughts and prayers your way.
Hey, I have a spare room if you need a get away. :)
Stay Strong
Hey Miss Shannon,
Just thinking of you and thought I'd check in on you. Man, girlie, that arm looks rough. Sending you a great big hug and huge prayers that life will lighten your load soon. I pray all goes well with your test results my friend, and miss hearing from you. I will try and check out your myspace page too. Love and hugs from the Rockies!
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