Nah. Seriously. I really do love the Holiday season for more reasons than I don't...I can just never get too excited over the prospect of winter, snow (UGH) and freezing my lilly white ass off...Which, let me tell you, does NOT take much with me. Temps slighly below 45 degrees can usually do it to a fair extent.
I know I should be doing cartwheels on our front lawn and counting my blessings, buuut...
Things have just been a blur lately. Winter has come waaaay too fast....
One thing I know I can get psyched up about this year is the fact that most of our Christmas shopping is DONE!
My mother and father in law kept the kiddos for a weekend so both Ed and I could sneak out and get all the kids' presents bought and wrapped...
While we were at it, we went ahead and put the tree up. And this was all on the first weekend of December...Unreal around here, and that is putting it mildly.
There have been some years where we didn't get around to putting the tree up until during the week right before Christmas Day, and have still been running around getting the presents to put under it the night before...
To say that this puts everyone on edge would be the understatement of the century. Crabby, grouchy, surly and bitchy would come pretty close to summing it up though.
Not this year....I was breathing a HUGE sigh of relief because we could just sit back and relax. The time of gritting our teeth, taking as HUGE a breath as humanly possibly and braving the psychotic spectactle that poses as any retail location here in tax free Delaware is now behind us. Thank GOD. I know that is far from having the right spirit for the time of year....but there is just no way to prepare.
Speaking of Christmas shopping, or even just getting out and about with any destination in mind this time of year...I can't be the only one who has noticed that quite a few people actually get mean-ER and rude-ER the closer that Christmas approaches. What's up with that? I guess an almost unmanageable amount of stress does funny things to some people. Stress and what maxes it out being relative to each person, of course.
Easy for me to say now, since I no longer have to hit our community Target, nevermind the MALL.
Then again, I may have spoken too soon...I have kind of been procrastinating with making out all my Christmas cards. At this point, I am hoping to get them to everyone before the New Year. Apologizing in advance, profusely. My head has not been screwed on quite right lately...It may have even detached at some point while I was sleeping and Ed may have had to re-attach it, but didn't put it back on properly. Who knows. Just can't seem to get that thick cloud of fog that is enveloping me to clear yet....
Holy MOLY. Gotta get those cards sent out. Oh well...guess we can't have it all, and a person can never totally escape their general nature or tendencies.
Yep. Last minute people around here.
Hi Shannon,
I love the christmas photo you found. What a riot. That cat looks as mean as some people on the road in my area. I've noticed people getting ruder and meaner, especially on the road, during the "season".
Glad you got your christmas shopping done. That's a biggie! I hope your drain will do it's job and soon be a distant memory.
It always blows me away when you say you're whining. I don't get that at all. When I read your entry with the lions (another great photo) I kept thinking, but she's not a whiner at all. I think it is good to look at the positives but that doesn't mean anyone can ignore the crap when it's flying around. You've been through a lot and I hope things will get better and better. Take care, Carver
OMG! The cat picture is so funny! Looks like one happy cat....yeah, right.
You must have been so uncomfortable with one liter of fluid.
My surgeon drained about 300cc twice a week from me (for a few weeks after my drain had been pulled) and I felt such relief. You had 3 times that amount.
Thinking of you, Shannon. Children make holidays so much more exciting!
Stay Strong
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