To that, all I can say is WTF?!?! Is there any single area on the computer (or otherwise for that matter) safe any more from spammers, money swindelers, scams, telemarketers and on and on...and on...?
And whatever on God's green earth happened to that DO NOT CALL LIST that our government offered us to sign up for that would keep all these money grubbing and panhandling telemarketers at bay? There is now all manner of crap, baloney and bulls**t coming up as "out of AREA" or unavailable on my caller ID. Hrumph.
For a while I even remember MPIP being bogged down with spam posts for Viagara among other things. Good LORD. This was a little while back, and now, precautions have been taken to ward the spammers off. A short code of letters embedded within a bunch of dots that apparently can only be deciphered by the human eye (not a computer) has to be entered at the end of each post. Sometimes *I* in my still somewhat youthful state cannot make out some of these letters. Oy. But it worked. At least so far....
But on someones personal blog? Spare me. Sadly, though I can't be completely sure, I can say with some level of certainty that I am most likely not the only one who has been hit.
Okay...nuff griping about that for now. I am just a bit surly and irritable today for some reason. Could possibly have something to do with being in the throws of PMS; wolfed down half a can of Pringles yesterday and the day before, it was the remainder of a bag of those new Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos found only at WalMart...at least for now, I hope--Those things are AWESOME!! Doritos oughta be a food group in and of themselves! Ha!
On my way to Philly again today to get my DTH injection. I have to go back on Friday to see if I have a reaction. Just this one last hurdle to clear before I know for sure if I can participate in this vaccine trial...Crossing all my fingers!
Anyway, in my PMS induced state of ravenousness (is that an actual word?) I am currently viewing these very frequent trips to Philly as a treat...Across the street from the hospital is a Primo's Hoagies. Home of the best hoagie I have ever eaten. My husband will agree, along with several of that hospital staff whenever we have mentioned eathing there for lunch. I know subs and hoagies are like 1500 calories, and I will probably be starving myself with only yogurt and soup for days (vain as hell, I know), but my mouth is watering just thinking about it....
Hi Shannon,
Sorry the spammers are hitting you. That's too irritating.
Keeping my fingers crossed and toes crossed that you will be able to get into the vaccine trial. I'm also sending out thoughts and prayers (covering all the bases).
Good luck, Carver
BTW, I love the cat photo..too cute.
What's with the spammers...are you the only one that sees them..I haven't seen them on your sight?
Sure hope everything goes well with your vaccine..I know it's such a promising way to go and prob the very best way..prayers continue for you.
Gosh, how I miss those good PA hoagies...my husbands aunt used to own a restaurant where she made the very best hoagies...never had one until I had hers...I've never been able to find a place here that's even half as good. They have Togos and Subway but they just aren't the same.
Hang in there kid..you are doing so well..scrappy is good according to nurse Kristy. That just means you are a fighter and can win this fight. you will win this fight.
Hey ladies :)
Actually, I must have in my comment settings to have all comments sent to my email addy. One of them that showed up to my previous post was actually a spammer spouting info about making money being a secret shopper or some malarky...
Strange, 'cause it isn't showing up in the comments now...
On the one hand, there are the young activists who think that the whole thing is irrelevant, and it is hard to blame them. On the other hand, there are the old, I guess you could call them left has-beens. They can't break with the bureaucracy, so they become its apologists. I am not saying that we are perfect. We have certainly made our share of mistakes. But in our defence we have been forced into a role that is not at all proportional to what we are. We are a small organization representing the poorest part of the working class, and we have been forced to try to create a fundamental resistance to the whole agenda of neoliberalism, something that the unions have far more power to do. So there is this crisis brought on by the labour bureaucracy, which is the barrier to building a movement. But there is also a crisis on the rest of the left. I am fifty years old, and I have never seen a left more bereft of analysis of the labour movement than I see today!
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Eric swung his weapon quickly, lowering and firing a single shot theweapon was again between Andrews eyes before Mikey had begun to scream. I was just tired enough to let itgo, but there is no rest for the weary who raise Clifford.
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