I know it has been a while....But I guess, cosidering the circumstances, it obviously would make a lot of sense that I would be physically and mentally obliterated, rough treatement regimen that IL-2 can be. I have heard that quite a lot by nurses and other medical staff hanging about the oncology areas of the hospital.
"Oh wow...how did you get so sick...so quickly..? What regimen are you doing?"
"Interleukin-2," I say.
"AAAAAhhhhh......" or something along those lines is usually the final response, along with that look that passes over their faces of total understanding and recognition upon just hearing that word and little number: Interleukin 2.
Well, the way thiings look for me now, interleukin might be done. Kaput. Finito.
The 5 days in-patient, while I was receiving the IL-2 seemed to be smooth sailing...Well, maybe only smooth sailing where IL-2 is concerned, but whatever...
Aside from the extreme feeling of sleepiness, moderate fatigue and some loopiness, it went pretty well, until as in the first round, my heart rate went up along with my water weight. I was gaining too quick and fluid and crackles could be heard in my lungs again...But, I actually got one more bag this round than the first round.
Anyway, like two weeks ago on my first week off after round 1, I got sicker and sicker by the day once I got home. I would be home for a couple of days than the downward spiral would begin. My appetite would drop off drastically low, vomiting constantly, energy level bottoming out to the point where just to get up requires more energy than you have and walking makes you feel like you must be made of rubber or whatever material that Gumby dude was constructed from; or possibly even that morning after one helluva party back from your partying (like that) days.
In any case. Dr. Sato, one of my oncologists at Jefferson, told me that the IL-2 would make me "feel sick like dog" and I did.
This time, the fevers spiked sky high. 104.5 high at one point. At this point in time I had no idea what hit me, only that it came out of nowhere and I was actually having hallucinations and stuff. Some of them even really wild looking where the person you are looking at or talking to seems to be leaving a trail in your vision when they move. God, too surreal. No, I will be more to the exact thought I had then: Fucking weird.
The hallucinations in and of themselves didn't scream out to me FEVER, especially since I had read in the archives along with more current posts that hallucinations are possible with IL-2, even during that first week off (or as in some cases like mine, the only week off). The other option that had run through my mind was that due to my pain all of a sudden being even more out there in the stratosphere somewhere and a quick call to the oncologist on call (who as luck would have it, turn out to be MY onc) found me with my Duragesic/Fentanyl patch being doubled to 200mcg and Dilaudid double the dose until the patch kicks in. Whoa.
Loopy definitely could be a possible outcome of this hike in pain meds too.
Then I got soaked....and I do mean soaked. Temperature was high, as I said, and it stayed up there for three days. Well, not literally, but as soon as the Tylenol wore off like clockwork, my temp would be up there or somewhere close.

Mentally, I am a train wreck. If I have said it once, I've said it a million times, I know....But this time, it is bad...
I am having a very very hard time trying to stay "UP" as much as possible. I know, in the reality in which we all live, no mood, even a positive one, is possible to maintain 100% of the time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year....
Not possible.
I have hit an all time low lately. I feel like one of those blow up things, I don't know...I guess from the sixties and seventies, that are shaped like a huge skinny eggplant with some cartoon character, usually of some cheesy pursuasion, that you smack and knock down but it just keeps rolling back up. Except my version would be defective since some of the come back ups take longer for me....especially the last almost three months now.
It started when I coughed up some blood on Sunday night.
I guess it goes without saying the level of sheer and raw panic that ensued on my part was through the roof. I can just picture Ed in my mind trying to make me laugh by saying "Yaaa Thiiiiink?!?" with that great smile of his.
I was blasted out with one nightmare after another that night. It didn't matter what position I rolled into (not that I can just "roll" into any position right about now, but whatever...figurative. I turned my head. LOL) anything to get out of that dream from hell....only to find myself smack dab in another one that woke me up simply from the dampness of tears on my pillow, my heart feeling like it was up in my throat pounding away....Three of them, if my calculations are correct. Just those types of nightmares where the aftereffects linger with you like a dark cloud, your body and mind feeling like you actually experienced what you did in that dream....They get under your skin....They haunt you.
Too many nightmares about death. Too many nightmares about the whole process of dying.
And worse....too many nightmares about leaving my husband and kids behind. Images flash before my mind like a slideshow: all from a future I am no longer a part of. The thought I can't quite bring myself to entertain...always skirting the edges of it, albeit against my will. They sneak in when I least expect it...Blindsided while doing the most mundane everyday things....
I cannot go there. Not yet. Hopefully, and God willing, not ever.
I normally try to be as positive as I can be, but overall, I guess I am pretty average compared to most people facing my type of diagnosis. Strength...this week, I felt nothing but defeated. Strange how feeling sick....and I mean really sick, can bring you so dangerously close of digging in a little bit too deep into pit of negativity and morbid thinking that it can be more than a little difficult to claw your way out of. I felt so sick...But the thing is, when you feel like complete and utter shit, it is far, far to easy to think about death...the whole process...too conveniently easy to slip....
And I am petrified.
Now, in the hospital this go around for my week off (harhar, yeah right. lol) I can honestly say that this has to be, hands down the ultimate chart topper just simply due to my volume of panic attacks (serious ones where I literally could not breathe) and crying jags.
I was instructed to get into the onc's office first thing Tuesday morning since my temperatures were staying high. I had to have some bloodwork done and have the Doctor give me a checkup to make sure this is typical IL-2 side effects that I was experiencing and not some other infectious process like pneumonia. The appoinment was mostly to determine if I would have to make a couple of treks back and forth to the cancer center to get IV fluids again, or just be admitted to the hospital where everything could be done in a more timely manner test wise especially. This was important as my oncologist wanted to bump up the dates of my post IL-2 scans due to my steady increase in pain in a few new spots in my bones. The CT and PET scans could be scheduled all within a couple of days while I was in-patient and he would get the results quicker, the cultures and other tests could be done with more ease, and I could get the IV hydration and IV pain control meds to get my pain more back to a manageable level. It all depended on how aggressive the doc wanted to be with all of this.
Hospital admission it was. Memorial Day weekend off, then back in the hospital we go. Saw my sweeties for one day then they came home on Tuesday to find out that I was back in the hospital again. Ed explained that since they saw how sick I looked and seemed, didn't they want me to go back and get all fixed up and better? Mopey okays were the response, but the understanding was there. I missed them too :(
Since being here though, it has been scan after scan after scan in just these 2-3 days. I felt so beyond sick...like death warmed over when I got here, and I definitely feel a damned sight better than I did, that's for sure!! But mentally.....HooooBoy.
CT scan almost as soon as I got here on Tuesday afternoon and a PET scan at the virtual buttcrack of dawn on Wednesday morning. The doc already had the results when he came in to wake me up Thursday morning.
"There has been significant progression of.....
I lost it. I mean I totally started sobbing, shaking and crying...It must be hard to be an oncologist. I didn't even need to hear the end of that sentence. I knew what he said. He told me that we probably would stop the IL-2, so I asked him if it was still possible that since the scans were two weeks early, that something could still happen? He said most likely, not. My disease progressed in spite of IL-2, so it would be his opinion that I was not a responder. He did tell me that the new sites were still within organs that already have metastases in them. Just more spots now. He also told me that some of the lung tumors are pressing on one of my major bronchi/airways in my right lung, so this would explain the shortness of breath. OH, and lest we forget the lovely episode of coughing up blood...SHIT. I wish I could forget. But I do believe that one is seared upon my brain forevermore. He also said the PET showed multiple hot spots in my bones. Not sure if these are new ones, but I do remember I had several of them. Another SHIT. And of course, my liver. He said that they didn't really get into the sizes of those, only that it said "multiple."
So tonight, at 10:00 p.m. YEP, that was 10pm at night, I was wheeled on down to the MRI department for a detailed scan of my spine to check for nerve compression or if the tumors could be affecting any nerves; to check for any impending or existing pathological fractures to those vertebrae. I will most likely be getting more radiation treatments to a few areas. The good part with this is so far *knock wood* the first two treated areas (the sacrum and right hip) seem to be the only spots NOT hurting right about now. So maybe it kept them at bay for a bit, and hopefully it will do the same for these other bastards!!
Oh. And another MRI of my brain. I think everyone knows how completely over the edge that one can drive me. Not that this singles me out in any way. Far from it. An MRI of the brain would, I am quite sure, have a very similar effect on most people with melanoma.
Wow....This has to be some kind of record-breaking blog as far as length goes for most of my blogs...and some of them, I gotta admit, are pretty damned long.
I just felt so alone and detached all week...Scared completely out of my wits, horrified, broken hearted, turned upside down...again....Yet I didn't even have the energy to pick up the phone, get on the computer...email people...post. **I think I made a permanent butt print on that sofa cushion**
It means the world to me, all the comments and caring thoughts so many of you posted to me. Thank you all so much. Every word and all of you give me strength....not to mention how HUGELY it helps to read all of your words!
As for me...I now enter limbo land once again. But if there is anything I know for a fact it is this: I think my melanoma and how aggressive it seems to be is even frightening the docs a bit...so I know things will move fast. The onc started listing some of them yesterday morning. He told me that he would confer with my oncologist at Jefferson on what the next course of action should be.
Gotta start cramming again on all of my options.
Dear Shannon,
I get the feeling that you don't know what a remarkable woman you are so let me say it loudly, you are a REMARKABLE woman. To me bravery shouts out with every honest word you speak. Bravery isn't false cheer or putting blinders on. Bravery is facing the worse hands that are dealt and after the screaming, crying or whatever is your honest reaction, being able to put one foot in front of the other. You do that in your own unique, brave, kind and humorous way.
I sent you an email with some information you may already have but thought you could add it to your folder. I am hoping and praying up a storm for you.
Love, Carver
Dear Sweet Shannon,
I have no clue how you are managing to write a blog but I'm sure glad you did..keep writing when you can. My heart simply aches for you..I have no words of comfort, I don't know what to say..I want to give you encouragement but words totally escape me..I want you to be lifted from the huge depression that comes with everything that is hitting you..I do want you to know it is normal for anyone in your circumstances so please don't beat yourself up over that issue. I want to give you all you could possibly want in this life..I want you to be with your children and dear husband..thank God for Ed...what a rock. You are right, he is magnificent..keep fighting back at ol mm..keep crawling up the stairway in your dreams..none of this makes sense, I just want you to be Shannon again and to be ok..I'm praying daily for you and I'm sure that is not meaning much at all right now but I don't know what else to do...you are so a part of my family..you are like one of my kids..we've had this discussion many times and I turly mean it..you are one of us. Loving you from NV and wishing I could be there to hold your hand...your thoughts run thru my mind and I don't know how to tell you how very much I care..love you, sue
Mornin' Sweet Girl,
Carver & Sue said things so sweetly...I don't have their (or yours!) way with words. I was so glad to see your post, been so worried about you. I really wish I could come sit with you & help you make stupid jokes...or cry with you or beat up a pillow or something -- or hold your hand and pray with you. I think it was Sue who said not to beat yourself -- for goodness sakes don't beat yourself up -- you & I are both good at that I know --well, I beat myself up, not you -- but, anyway you ARE so brave Shannon...you keep talking, you keep typing, you keep fighting!
Well, that's all I've got right now -- I love you girl & want you to know it -- give yourself a BIG HUG from me right now!
Amy Jo
We are all here for you during this difficult time. Please let us know what we can do, other then pray and cheer you on.
You are never far from our thoughts. There are other options out there.
Always Hopeful,
Dear Shannon,
I so much wish I could do something for you, other than pray. Your words are so eloquent and heartbreaking. You truly are an amazing woman and have so much support from the MPIP community. May all these good wishes and thoughts give you renewed strength to kick mel's butt.
With much love,
Shannon, you have such courage, even though you don't feel like you do! I "see" it in every word you write. I'm so sorry the IL2 didn't work, but you know I believe in HOPE---THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE!! I'm praying there is a protocol out there that will kick mel's butt once and for all! I treasure the hummingbird drawing you made especially for me. Just know there are people all over this world sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for a CURE to this beast! I love you so much, and wish I could be there with you. Hang in there my friend! *Hugz* ~Lisa~
When my son was going through his time at MDA, waiting for test results, etc. I described myself as a bouncy clown being hit over and over and always bouncing back upright. I love your attitude. Ask for some meds to help you stay up. Your chemistry is probably way off and medication would help you retain some normalcy..although there's no reference for what normal is in this situation. I wonder often why life has to be so painful. Maybe we're not supposed to ever get too comfortable here and not lose sight of our next, and far better, final existence. This life gives us glimpses of the things to come..like beautiful sunsets, big waves, the feeling of joy..I believe these are just previews of what heaven is going to be. God is going to take care of you, and your family regardless of what happens.
I am going to pray that your faith in God becomes so powerful that it carries you and and everybody who loves you through this crappy time. I am also praying that God heals you. You are amazing!
I don't know where you found the strength to write such an eloquent and touching post. It blows my mind that you are writing about yourself. I don't think I would be strong enough to write about Bill let alone about myself. You are the energizer bunny and you will get up again after this bump in the road and keep on marching toward NED! Keep the faith and know that everyone loves you and are praying for you.
Charlotte(wife of Bill C)
Oh God, Shannon, I have been crying ever since I read your post this morning. It is so dreadful that this is on your plate now or ever.
I know it doesn't help much, but I was a non-responder to the various chemo treatments that I was on until this last bout! A miracle, maybe, but I never lost faith and hope.
Right now, I actually feel guilty that I am in remission and that you are suffering so. If only I could take your pain, I would trade places with you in a heartbeat; alas, I can not. I can only pray for you and send love and healing thoughts your way. You have gone ahead and moved into my heart and will always remain there, no matter what.
I am thinking and praying for you and for my sweet Eddy and the kids; by the way, happy birthday Ryan. Such a little man at 7 years old!
Mike and I love you and Ed and the kids; don't loose your faith, keep strong.
Love you forever, Your favorite Auntie Karen and Uncle Mikey
Shannon I think you should know how much your words help so many of us in understanding how to deal with the patient. As caregivers to others it is sometimes hard to ask questions you answer with your truthfulness in your blog. My 26 year old son is a warrior and I sat through 2 weeks of Il-2 in patient with him. It was the hardest thing I have ever done as a parent. It really helps me to read your thoughts and reactions to some of the side effcts. I want you to get better because that means there is a chance for John too. He was not an IL-2 responder either. You will never know how many of us are out here in cyber space reading your blog and cheering your victories and crying with you. I wish there was a way for all of our positive energy to help lift you up mentally too. Cyber hugs coming your way.
Linda (mom to John stage IV)
I just wanted to tell you that I'm very sorry that you have to go through this. My 30 y old husband is in very similar situation as you. We have been battling for about 6 months now and I almost lost him 3 weeks ago because of all sorts of infections he developed while on chemo. He also has many lung nodules (has short of breath for 2 months already), many liver tumors, and more in bones and stomach.
This battle is so brutal and I will never know exactly what it feels like. Seeing what my husband is going through makes me understand what a strong and brave people you are. I admire your strenth and how you still manage being so funny.
I wish you all the best with all my heart. Be strong, sometimes even the most hopeless situations can turn out to be fine at the end (I keep telling that to myself and to my husband every day:)
Keep your head up. Lots of huggs,
Kristel, wife of Frank Stage IV
Precious Shannon,
I love you and don't want to see a future without you in it either. I am so glad you wrote this blog. You say things that everyone who has had cancer touch their lives must think...I know I have. I am glad you had your scans early and you, Ed and the docs are putting on thinking caps for the next plan of attack. There is still plenty of ammunition to throw at this thing. I hope you are eating well and getting stronger so you can go in full force and wipe the mat with melanoma once and for all. You will do it.
Most of all,I thank you for the dignity and grace with which you are dealing with this.
As for being afraid:
There is no courage without fear.
Love, K.
Dear Shannon, You are the strongest person I have ever met. After reading all the comments, what a blessing your blog has been to so many people. AND think of all the prayers that are coming your way. Remember WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MAN IS POSSIBLE FOR GOD.
Please know I am sitting there with you in spirit.
May peacefulness and calmness be yours today.
Love and hugs
I agree with Carver completely - you are so strong and so brave and don't even realize it. I can not imagine being in your position and NOT having many panic attacks. Hopefully with the IL2 over it will help with the scary ass nightmares.
I don't want to think about the elephant in the room either. Okay so he's there. Don't feed and water him, just accept him as an unwanted housguest and keep putting one foot in front of another. Well as much as you can from a reclined position in a hospital bed! lol
I hope the darmouth reg. is okay and you get a good response form it. Just move on to plan b and hope for the best.
Hope to talk to you soon.
Hi, My Sweet Friend~
As I am sitting here, having just read your thoughts, feelings, fears, frustration...and... hope, I am again reminded of the amazing person, that is...you.
From the moment that I met you, you have always had the strength of a giant...inside this tiny, little bit of a girl. With that strength, you also possess a sweetness and abilility to care and share of yourself, through your honest, heartfelt writing..and your beautiful artwork....Shannon, you are just such a rare gem....Yet, you are probably the most humble person I have ever met. You deserve to know just how special you are, sweetheart.
.. What I wouldn't give to be able to turn back to hands of time for us....Back to that beautiful day that you and I, and our kids were at my home...and Ryan was covered in the green icing. Jo-Jo still talks about Ryan turning green! It seems like yesterday that we talked and laughed, and hugged. I hope with all my heart that we can have one of those beautiful days again, sometime.
I want so much for you to get better, Shannon. I hope with all of my heart and soul that the Dartmouth Treatment...or whatever your Dr. and you decide, will stop this wretched disease. As Sue said..."I just want you to be Shannon again"... for your sweet husband, Ed...for Alannah...for Ryan...for all of us that love you...and most of all, for you.
Shannon, I love you soooooooo much...You are never out of my thoughts these days.. I have the beautiful Hummingbird drawings that you had sent me a while back, on my shelf of special things...and I look at them every morning, and think a special thought for you to get better....I know that you will.
I love you, forever....Faith~
Dear Shannon,
Look at these beautiful messages to you! What a special person you are, what beautiful friendships you have cultivated. You are so loved and so admired. And this is only through the communications of those who know you through MPIP. I cannot imagine what an impact you have on neighbors, friends and family.
Your blog, and latest entry is just amazing, so honest, so true. My heart aches for your pain, and I am panicking for you as well. BUT, BUT, look at your resiliance (sp?). LOOK AT YOU! Telling anyone who will listen/read what you are dealing with and how. You've got 'tude, Shannon. YOU DO! Amidst all this crap, you are typing, telling, (in my mind) yelling and YES fighting. I feel the fight in you, Shannon.
I will continue to pray for you Shannon, think good thoughts. I will also pray for your medical team, that they may be directed to the right "thing" for you, that they use every brilliant brain cell they collectively possess to find the right formula of treatment that will work for you.
God bless you, Shannon, and your family. Feel the support, the hands holding yours, the arms lifting you, the offers of those to feel your pain for you. They are real, they are here. You are so loved.
My dear strong Shannon,
It is not a surprise to me that you have no idea the grace and strength that you show daily fighting this disease. You are amazing, and we are all blessed to have you share this journey with us.
It is no doubt near impossible for you to keep your spirits up right now and I know that must be so difficult and frightening for you. I have a really good friend who always advises me to "try my feelings on and wear them around for a while," and I think that you are doing just that. Please don't be hard on yourself for feeling what is of course very natural and understandable. Take your time and try to allow yourself all these natural feelings, and I'm sure you will find each one will pass and another new one will be there to "try on." And, if by chance they do become too much, then your friends are here to offer as much support as you need, and your husband and doctor can take steps to help you find a way out of depression, too. But I don't think you need to be fearful or ashamed if any of that comes to pass. Right now you have so much going on and I, along with the rest of the cyber-community, just think you are handling it in an amazing way. You really have no idea how much your blog reveals that. I am always touched, humored and inspired by your honesty and your ability to face what has come at you.
Please email me or send me your phone number if you need someone to vent to, or if you need ANYTHING at all! I would love to be able to do more for you than just pray for you. Please try to take it easy on yourself through all this- you are really doing phenomenal.
You are, as always, in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh Damn, damn, damn. I just returned from KY and wanted to come here to see how my Shannon was doing, and damn is all I can say. I hate this for you sweet lady, I just hate it for all of you. I am continuing to pray, you are on my mind so much and in my heart. I pray for you and Ed and your precious children and keep believing that God can heal all things. Thank you so much you incredible woman for loving us enough to keep us posted on how you are, even when you don't feel like it. You are awesome, and I love you! Fight, Shannon, keep fighting!
Dear Shannon,
I really suck sometimes when someone is going through something hard. I find I'm one of those avoiders, but I really need to out grow that!
I love what Carver said about praying up a storm! I'm right there praying too, I just wish there were more I could do for you all!
Jenny B.
Dear Shannon, I dont know you, but I have just spent a very long time reading your blog, and the one word that sticks in my mind about you is BRAVE. I wish I knew the right words, I wish life wouldnt hand us really sour lemons, but it does-and quite simply-It sucks.
But you are a wonderful woman, I am sure you are an insoiration for many, and I know this because I started reading your blog after it was posted in someone elses blog links.
Keep fighting, and we will forever cheer you on!!
I have been following your journey and only have one word 'AMAZING"!
You amaze me, your words are amazing, your smile....amazing, your will, amazing, your grace-unbelievable!! I think of you daily and pray for you always.
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