Well...I guess Ol' Interleukin 2 knocked the livin' crap outta me. I ended up doing a short time in the chemo infusion room at the cancer center after the first cycle of IL-2 so I could get hydrated by IV along with getting some anti-emetics (man, I needed those!!). Over the last couple of months I have gotten so tired of nausea it is not even funny anymore; like it ever is. After my second round of IL-2, the one where I was able to do a whoppin' 6 baaaggs, I wound up in the hospital due to very high temperatures. One time my temp got all the way up to 104.5, and another it was 103.8...Sooo, I was admitted to the hospital once again to check everything out. The doc also figured he could get all the tests done on me in a more timely manner if I was admitted and staying in the hospital. Sooo, I got another CT scan, an MRI of the head, neck and spine, and...I think that was it...Of course, that's enough, right? heheh.
Thankfully, my MRI showed that as of right now, my brain is free of melanoma! I did have a couple spots in some cervical mets (my neck) and of course, all the ones that have been mentioned here before.
The doc also stated in his honest opinion, that for me, the IL-2 didn't appear to be working....My melanoma was still growing despite the IL2.
My doc then offered up the Dartmouth Chemo Regimen as another treatment that may knock this crap down some...Something...Anything. Beat that SHIT back!!
So, shitty as this is, on June 2nd, my beautiful son's 7th birthday, I was in the hospital getting a chemo infusion that will hopefully keep me around for a long, loooong time....

That whole couple of days when I was first admitted this time, I felt like my emotions were running a torrent. The doc was very nervous about how things were progressing. He thought, obviously with my melanoma being so fast growing and aggressive, there was no time to waste with this chemo treatment.
So, Bring it ON!
The Dartmouth Chemo regimen is actually a few chemos put together, and is apparently very aggressive and harsh a treatment in its own right. I was actually kept in-patient at the hospital, which kinda confused me since I thought most people had this treatment done out patient, but oh, well. The nurses there are great, the docs are great...very nice and on top of things.
It can be harsh. I believe it now.
Lord, I feel like I have been sick, loopy, nauseaus, out of it, fatiqued...you name it....Ended up back in the hospital once again to get IV fluids and along with a more serious problem: Hypercalcemia.
Apparently, since I have so many bone metastases, quite a bit of calcium was spilling into my bloodstream and was making me sick. Dr. Biggs decided to give me an infusion of Zometa early on when I was first admitted, then, of course, upping the IV fluids. But there was also another new development since the last time I was admitted and discharged from the hospital: some of my lung tumors had grown enough that they were pushing down on my airways and obstructing my breathing; this was making me short of breath/winded all the time. Since my O2 saturation (oxygen content in my blood) was a little bit too low, I was ordered up some Oxygen to go home with and was put in touch with the company who would be supplying me with it for as long as I needed it...
Now the main object is to get me healthy, or at least very close to normal (my blood counts, or at least some of them, are still a bit low), so I can get another round of the Dartmouth Chemo. At first Dr. Biggs was saying it didn't look like I was having any response to this one too...He thought it was growing despite out best efforts to stop it.
After hearing his opinion, we figured it couldn't hurt to go to Philly and get Dr. Sato's (or Dr. Mastrangelo's) opinion on everything. Dr. Sato was of the opinion that it was still too early....wait a little bit.
Well, as it turns out, at my first follow-up visit with Dr. Biggs after being admitted for the hypercalcemia, he told Ed and I that he would like to show us my X-ray. He then pointed out a few darker and clearer spots in my chest where the melanoma looked as though it has shrunken or maybe even....some of the little guys may have been obliterated? HOPE. It is a powerful thing.
Aside from all the more heinous things that have been happening around here...there have been moments of sheer joy and happiness...
Friends and family have come together for us, gone out of their way to help us in any way that they can...I am amazed. I am thankful for all the things so many of you have done and I don't even know how to repay them in my lifetime...The cards, the gifts, your time that so many of you have given us.
There just isn't enough to say except Thank You and wish so much it was more!
Dear Shannon,
I am so delighted to see you posting once again. HOPE is a powerful thing and we are more than hoping, praying, dancing in the small steps you are making..ah, now to get those blood counts back up and then the charge with more DTIC. Talk to you soon.
Dear Shannon,
Thank you so much for your honest update. I am so sorry you've been through such an awful ordeal between the treatments and melanoma. I am glad that you are having times of joy and happiness in spite of the hell you've been through and I am thrilled that you have been given reasons to hope. The chest x-ray sounds very encourgaing. I am sending out good thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Love, Carver
I am SO happy to see an update from you. I check your blog every day though I know you haven't felt well enough to do an entry. But now you do!!
Please know that I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Great news about the results of the chest xray. Never, ever give up hope!!!
Stay Strong, Shannon.
Shannon, you are an amazing and awesome person.
What a joy it is to see that you are up to posting! And still sharp as a tack, I might add.
I slapped the counter and did a little dance when I saw that your x-ray showed improvements. It is good that you are being persistent in seeing the docs. Great strength lies in tenacity.
Good job, Shannon. Good job.
Love to you all,
Dear Shannon,
Please know that I am thinking and praying for you every day!!!!!!You are an AMAZING WOMAN!!!!!!!!!! You might want to think about giving Dr. Riley's group a call they just released 4 new protocol's. Give me a call if you need their number.
Sending lots of hugs your way.
Christine Uporsky
We take hope one little step at a time. It all adds up Shannon. The decrease in your lung x-rays is something to count in the ALRIGHT colume! You gotta crawl before you can walk, run, or sprint. Heck, I bet you'd take even hopping!
You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Keep kicking ass Shannon!
Shannon, It is so good to see your post!! I will keep the prayers going to eliminate the nausea and keep the positives coming. Take care of your sweet self.
OMG girl, it's so good to hear from you. I check your blog every day and MPIP to make sure I stay posted on everything that's going on with you. It's a joy to see that your sharp wit is still in tact and you're as spunky is ever! You have a wonderful vigor for life that is evident in every word you write, and you're a gift for every one of us blessed to follow along with you. I'm so happy for you and your good news! I'm sure those x-rays will continue to show reductions and that you'll be strong enough to take all the chemo you need. I can't tell you how happy I am for you and you're hopeful news! I know how just a little bit of hope can make such a difference, and I'm happy it's happened to you! You deserve it! We love ya and we're all rooting for ya, mama. Keep us posted!
Dear Shannon,
So glad to see your post. Sue has kept us all updated and I feel so bad you are dealing with all this but I am so to hear that the xray showed things look to be improving. Stay strong, you have the whole MPIP board fighting along with you. Luv, Linda
Dear Shannon,
It is wonderful to see your post! You have touched so many people including my sister and me. I read your blog to her as she unable to use the computer. Thank you for sharing yourself so honestly and openly. I know it has helped sis (also battling Mel) want to continue the fight.
Please know we are with you in spirit and thinking of you often.
Love, Ele
Have been out of town, but can't get you out of my mind. I pray for you and your family, and pray God holds you all so close right now. Hang in there kiddo! Love you lots!
I found your blog thru Sarah T's...you are so amazing to be bloggin' while feeling like dog meat! I've been following you for a few months actually. Never left you a message before. I should have told you how amazing you are!!!
Hi Sweetie...I am SO SORRY for all that you have been through, and are going through. You truly are amazing... You have a HUGE fighting spirit inside that little body of yours....mixed in with one of the sweetest souls that I have ever known. You are just so special, Shannon.
I was really elated to read that your chest x-ray showed some good news!! Sue has been keeping me updated....and I was thrilled to hear this.
I love you tons, and I think of you constantly...Hang in there , my Soul Sistah 4-Ever. OXOXOXO
Dearest Shannon,
Strong like bull!!!
Sending you much love and strength. I know you keep hearing this, but you truely are an AMAZING woman. Your determination, spirit and perserverance through all of this is beyond words.
I hold you close to my heart,
K in AZ
Dear Shannon,
I want you to know that you and your family are always in my thoughts. I've been offline for a while and was eager to get back on to see how you got on with the chemo and its great to hear its done some damage to the suckers.Keep it up :o)
Love Ruth x
Your strentgh is untouchable. Uncle Mike and I are so glad you were strong enough to add to your blog. Keep doing what your doing.
Love and Hugs xxxxoooo
Hi Shannon, Eddie, Lana and Ryan,
We just had a litter of Whippet puppies born here on Sunday. 9 of them! With each and every squeak from those precious little bundles struggling for breath and a shot at life, I was reminded of you and how your own struggle for life.
For these strong little 1/2 pound furry baked potatos; life is so important. Magnify that by what you weigh Dear Shannon and put that strong life force to work for you.
You and the family are ever on our minds and in our prayers; keep fighting for your life like you really mean it!
With Love and friendship,
Your favorite Auntie Karen and Uncle Mikey
We've never met but through your wonderful writing ability I feel like I've known you a life time. You are heavy on my mind today and I just wanted to say I'm checking back every day on the edge of my seat wanting to read your rants. I am scheduled for a couple of biopsies near the end of the month and through my research I'm scared Shitless to say the least. I'm pulling for you to win the battle and you are indeed a warrior in my eyes!!!!!!!!! Tina
Sweet, sweet Shannon, I just can't believe that you are gone. It just happened so quickly... Tears are streaming for you and especially your family this morning -- just got the word. Ed, please KNOW that you are being prayed for and thought of...words escape me right now. We all loved your girl. Love, Amy Jo/Indiana
I am sorry to be the one to leave the bad news. I noticed how often you all read Shannon's journal.. and I wanted to let you know. I am also a melanoma patient.. and like Shannon I am fighting for my life. I had the honor of meeting Shannon these past few months. In the short time I knew her.. She taught me a lot about NEVER GIVING UP. She was an extremely strong person.. and will never be forgotten. I barely knew her and she touched my life in many ways. I pray for her family..
Here is the article:
I came to your site tonight to just say a little hi..altho, you are gone from this earth you will be forever in my heart..I miss you sweet girl and altho we never met in person we knew each other pretty well and I will always be gratefull for the time we had via email and phone chats..I smile when I think of your sense of humor..wicked as it was sometimes but mostly I just miss YOU..the entire you. I miss the hope you gave so many, I miss your pouring out of your heart on so many subjects and I miss seeing you grow in so many different ways. I really miss you and so I have to say this is a place where i can just simply say hi and that I'm thinking of you and your sweet, sweet family. loving you in NV, sue
Rest In Peace, Sweet Shannon. You are with angels. You are free of pain and cancer and free to watch over your beautiful children and your dear husband. No cancer. No more suffering. I know you are making the all of the beautiful angels in Heaven laugh. You made a difference in this world and it will never be the same without you.
Take Care & God Bless,
Lubbock, Texas
You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.
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