Went in today for my CT scan and saw the token two other people trying to choke down that delectable contrast cocktail. Yum. Where's mine? Hell, that nasty stuff was on its way out to me soon enough. Slammed it like I always do....Best NOT to savor and linger too much over that less than palatable concoction. Down the hatch it went. Sit for an hour and get some reading done, now the angst ridden wait begins.
That is, if it ever truly stops in the first place. With scantime it just gets amplified to the nth power is all.
I will tell myself now, for my sanity: There is no good reason for me to believe that scan will show anything. It WILL be clear. It has now been just two weeks shy of two years that I have been dealing with in-transit melanoma recurrences. Two years since I have been a stage III melanoma patient. Not recurrence free, but two years that I haven't progressed to stage IV yet. Two years of clean CT scans....well, that isn't alltogether true. My sub-Q this past summer was found on CT, so....
NO organ mets. Not yet, and I hope like hell, not ever. We will see in that seemingly interminable amount of time it takes this local imaging place to send the results to my docs.
As far as my vaccine trial has been going....
I had a bit of a letdown on Friday. Not by any means a blow, or even anything that could be considered a setback; just a return to square one.
Wednesday I had to go back up to Philly to have the DTH placement. This whole DTH deal is where they inject you in a couple places on the same arm as the vaccine was given, but on the inner forearm. One injection is just some basic type of solution, and in my case, I only received one other injection above it: My own modified melanoma cells. The ones that have been tagged with that hapten/DNP stuff to make them look more foreign. They were hoping for a reaction. A sign that over the course of this vaccine trial, my body had mounted an immune response to those stinkin' ol' melanoma cells.
Friday I had to go back in because the result had to be read after 48 hours of the injections.
I had no reaction. Nada. Zilch. Zippo.
Turns out all those nasty, festering boil-like sores on my arm where each injection had been given were simply from the BCG that was given at the same time. That was the expected reaction; and every patient...even those in the "control group" was at least going to get that.
Ahh, well... That's the way the cookie crumbles. That's life. Hell....I had a recurrence within two months of stopping Temodar; not even two weeks after stopping the GM-CSF. There really is no magic bullet with this shit. You just play your odds and hope for the best, cause it is all a shot in the dark, at best.
My mind ran around in circles for about an hour or two. In short, I coulda spazzed out....but I didn't go that far. I figured oh, well...I am going to pick myself up from this semi-letdown and tell myself this: Melanoma is NOT going to get me. Heheh. I can tell myself that, anyway no matter how hollow it sounds at any given time...It will be my mantra. I have to, to stay sane. In reality, we all know that ultimately, that is not truly something we have any control over. I have to let go of this need to be in control. Of this illusion that in the grand scheme of things, we have any shred of control. In the end, we just do what we can. Whatever we can do. Whatever lies within our power, however limited. We keep on fighting and take every opportunity out there to kick melanoma ass.
Now I just have to stay sane until those CT results come in. Ha ha. Easier said than done, I know....but I will try like hell not to borrow trouble and instead of thinking the worst...Hope for the best. All CLEAR. Then....it will be party time.
Hi Shannon,
I wish there were some magic words I had besides saying that I'm sending out good thoughts and prayers for you. I'm doing that. Wish there was more I could do. All body parts are crossed for your CT scan results to come in fast and good.
As ever, Carver
The waiting is just so difficult! I'm hoping you get your results quickly, that you get the ALL CLEAR and that the party begins!!
I'm so sorry about the results you got on Friday about your vaccine trial. I hope your arm feels better.
You have been fighting hard and really, really deserve a break. Please, please, please....
Stay Strong
King (Kathie)
Stage IV 7/05 Liver mets
Thinking of you babe and KNOWING that the results will be clear. I just can not except that they will be anything less. Will you call me when you fid out? I'll be out of town during the weekend but I figure it will be early next week when you hear. MDA was unusually quick though - all computerized so by the time I got back to the other building & upstairs to mel. & skin the results would be on the screen. Amazing.
Oh well - if you hear and I'm not home you can just leave me a message or email or myspace or whatever. Cause I'll be checkin!
Love you & miss you - sorry I have been so busy, but you know that you are in my thoughts & prayers DAILY.
I am holding you close in my thoughts this week, Shannon. I wish I could say something profound about the waiting...
Here, here, I thought of something.
Not profound. But true and the only way to describe it.
Take good care.
Love, Kim and the Beagledogz
Hi Shannon,
Thinking of you always. Please let us know when you hear the results..forever in your corner.
Waiting is the worst..
your friend,
I replied to your MPIP and then did a PS after finding something hopeful since you asked if anyone had heard of multiple ones being benign. I found something about how they are sometimes benign even in cancer patients. Below is the link and the paragraph that specifically deals with that. I'm crossing everything for you. Love, Carver
Detection of one or more pulmonary nodules on CT can create a dilemma in patient treatment, especially in a patient with known cancer. Such nodules can be benign or malignant (primary or metastatic), each with different treatment options. The list of differential diagnostic possibilities for a pulmonary nodule is long and includes infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, vascular, traumatic, and developmental causes. Most pulmonary nodules are of benign origin, even in patients with cancer [20]. To our knowledge, pulmonary tumorlet is typically not included as a cause of a pulmonary nodule in the radiology literature. However, our study shows that tumorlets can usually be detected on CT when they are large enough to be mentioned in pathology reports.
I am hoping these are benign nodules with every ounce of hoping I can muster.
I am so very sorry. I know you can handle whatever comes your way.
Love, Kim
NOOOOO!! I just HATE this! I mainly lurk here, .....and there. But I wanted you to know that you're being kept in my thoughts and prayers. This truly sucks. I hate this damn disease with every ounce of my being. There are no words of comfort that come to mind. I know that when you have little ones, that you hold on tight to them, and just pray/hope/scream/panic on the inside while trying to hold it all together on the outside. I hope against all hope that it is not mel in your lungs, and that everyone will breathe a collective sigh of relief when it turns out to be benign. The fact that you haven't puked yet means you are far stronger than I. I felt nauseous just reading your MPIP post. I know that sometimes it feels like there are not enough tears to convey the saddness I know you are feeling inside. I am wishing you only the very best. Know that you are not alone.
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