Let me just start out by saying that IL-2 was whoopin' my ass in a major way...and the strange thing is, it got progressively worse. I was released from the hospital on Thursday evening, and Friday and Saturday, while a blur, lol, were not too shabby...
I did pull a bonehead and eat some Tex-Mex at a really good restaurant on Friday night with my husband and sister. Man, I shoulda known better than to pull a stunt like that!! Won't pull a major gross out factor here other than to say it was NOT pretty...
Come Sunday though, things went steadily downhill. I started out not being able to keep any kind of solid food down...then it got out of hand. I mean water?!?! WTF? By Tuesay, I called the doctor to ask for any advice they may have since I was already on an arsenal of anti-emetics; pill forms that I couldn't keep down, of course.
Wednesday the nurse called me back to check in on me and I was straight up with her. I told her that I basically felt like dog crap and had zippo for energy and couldn't even hold water or ginger ale down, it was that ridiculous. She told me to get my butt in there so I could get rehydrated with some IV fluids along with an IV antiemetic. Now THAT made me feel better times 1000.
The one concern is, however, that the doctor did tell me that if they cannot get my strength built back up enough, I would have to stall round 2 by another week. Monday would be too soon....
I would never have believed how severely mentally and physically fatigued you can get from just being dehydrated, but obviously, it's true. Well, that, plus I just did one of the most aggressive treatments known to melanoma patients:IL-2. That would do it. heheh. It was beating the living shit outta me, to put it lightly.
I can obviously only hope it is doing the same pummel job on melanoma right now as I type this.
The nurses even had an explanation for the delayed reaction of my flu-like symptoms. The IV drugs take a while to completely leave your system, so it wasn't unusual at all to start feeling completely baaaad on the third day home...I did have fevers and stuff the first couple of days, but that was about it.
On a funny note...Here I sat thinking I was just dozing away the hours while I was in the hospital...I felt like I had lost some MAJOR time while I was getting the IL-2, when if fact, according to Ed and my sister, I was all sorts of whacked out. I did actually hallucinate and hear things that weren't there...TAlked to myself a few times...Cussed the computer while I was blogging or posting, thinking the blasted thing broke, when in fact it had only gone into energy saver mode, it took me that looong to make a post...Oh, and the bizarro dreams...They told me all about a few of them that I woke up from in a complete state of panic. Then they laughed when I told the nurse I always have vivid dreams..."What about the mutant wasp-hornet woman, hon...what about that one?" Ed says...
Oh, and to all who know me and my obscene soda drinking habits. WEll, now that is no more. Strangely enough, I could not even tolerate the taste of cola...well, of anything, really, but cola just hit the switch right away. So, no more soda for this chick. Believe it? This from a woman who was lucky to get through a day on less than a 12 pack case of cans of caramel cream Pepsi Jazz. lol. The strange coincidence is that I know diet sodas are very bad for you for a number of reasons...
And that was the one thing I still can't tolerate. Yuk.
Oh, and along with having my IV anti-emetic, my doc finally prescribed Marinol. So far, so good! (Thanks so much, Jane, again, for your excellent advice!)
On another note, I am getting more and more excited and anxious to finally meet my good friend Amy! I know it won't be the prettiest of cirucumstances, by far, but still, I am ecstatic and I can't WAIT to meet her. We have been emailing, and talking on the phone for almost 4 years now...It is going to be so GREAT! This MOnday is the big day, whether I get to start Round 2 or not. I am so thankful for her husband being so understanding about hopping on a plane to come all the way out from Texas to come sit with me...so wonderful and caring of him.
Mostly, for today, I am filled with happiness over the fact that it is a beautiful day outside, I feel better than I have in a whiiille (knock wood) and things are good....so good for so many reasons....

Hi Shannon,
It's great to see you blogging and I hope you will be feeling better soon. I'm glad you're somewhat better today. I'm so happy Amy will be able to visit you Monday.
The nurses probably told you this but I have a dehydration tip, if you can't keep anything down, suck on ice chips. I won't bore you with a long story but I will say I spent 7 days on IV in the hospital as a young mother who wouldn't call the doc when a flu got bad. Dehydration can be fatal even with a healthy person which is why it's not something to mess around with. The nurses said when you can't keep anything down, sucking on ice chips is better than trying to drink something (that's the advise I was given 20 years ago). I'm sure by now you've gotten all those tips but it is weird how fast dehydration to knock anyone out.
I'm winging a ton of good thougths your way. You are a very courageous person and I'm wishing you all the best. As ever, Carver
I'm always amazed at how you keep your sense of humor strong going thru all this crap. You are some kind of Wunderkind babe, Shannon.
Bill G from MPIP
You're one tough cookie, Shannon-girl!!!! As for the hallucinations... don't you wish you could remember them??! Good going on the Marinol too. It's amazing what a great job that stuff does for you when you're sick, but heaven forbid we grow our own! We wouldn't want to keep the drug companies from sucking us all dry! Stay strong. Love, Jackie
Hey Kiddo, we are just keeping you and the family in our thoughts-Tex-Mex?
When I was drugging on the chemo, any food tasted metalic. I lost so much weight; but hey, when I stopped the drugs, I found all that weight again, lucky me, not. Anyway, the point being I am in remission for almost a year; you will conquer too, I am sure of it.
Love and kisees,
Your favorite Auntie Karen and Uncle Mike
Well, I hope that nasty ol' Melanoma feels even worse than you did and just decides to take a hike.
Glad you are up and around and getting stronger to start some more blasting. What a great thing that Amy is coming for a visit!
Thinking of you all the time and wishing you well...
I'm so glad Amy is coming to visit. I know that she is excited as well.
Keep giving melanoma hell. Show no mercy, take no prisoners.
Hugs to you, and give Amy a hug for me, too.
I can't wait to come visit.
If you're home and not in the hospital I'll just stay with you - but I'll have to pack an extra suitcase so we can play my Friends Scene It DVD game, etc. while you lounge around and let me take care of you!
I think you're doing great hon and yes today is a great day. Tomorrow too and the next and the next. You'll get through them all and be able to put this back in its place and keep on living life & enjoying the hell out of it!
I guess I should stop lurking and tell you that I think you're great!
Thanks for posting us in the midst of all how you've been feeling.
Wishing you peace & many smiles,
SHannon, Wow, you are somethin girl. I just wanted to say how amazing it is that you go through all you do and still manage to blog for all of us keeping an eye on you. I really appreciate that.
You have so much fun with Amy, just being together and hug each other for me. Love you girl!
Hey Shannon,
I hope your second round of IL 2 went well. Thought I'd comment again here to let you know I'm thinking about you. Good to hear from Amy's post that you were up to the sixth dose of round 2 when she left. I'm so glad she could be there for part of your IL 2 treatment. I hope you are resting up during your off treatment time and having some good family time during memorial weekend. As ever, Carver
Hey Shannon,
Just been thinking about you a lot & wanted you to know it....I know that a lot of us have been. Hope your able to get some rest and are recovering alright from this last round.
ANYway, just thinking about you sweet girl!
Amy Jo
I keep checking your blog and hoping to see you updating but know you are probably just getting through each day the best you can. Wanted you to know I'm thinking of you as always...don't forget to watch for the dehydration this time..I'll bet Ed is on top of that this time around. Maybe you are just out having fun, I hope so but many of us here are thinking and praying for you. love, sue
I just want you to know how much I admire your strength and courage and I am praying for you and your family.
Hugs & Prayers
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