I can't help but think of one of my closest friends who I have been fortunate enough to 'meet' since this nasty, yet at times, amazing and surprising trip called melanoma began....She created a list of things she just has to do before she "drops dead"...I loved and laughed (for only the best reasons) about the idea, and decided to create one of my own.....
Things to Do Before I Drop Dead LIst:
In no particular order, Here are a few of the things I would love to do at least once in my lifetime:
1. Make it to one of the MPIP bashes so I can get the chance to meet so many of the amazing people that I have come to 'know' and grow close to through posting on MPIP.
2. Visit Disney World; believe it or not, for the first time in my own life, but even more, to see firsthand, the way it lights up my kids' eyes....
3. Visit the Grand Canyon.
4. Go on as many rollercoasters as I can (while still retaining some level of sanity) with my rollercoaster loving husband at Cedar Point Ohio.
5. Go back to Maine, where I was born, and camp there with my family....
As I mentioned, these are just a few of many things I would love to do during my life....
Some things go without saying whenever you are faced with a potentially terminal illness or disease, but are obviously unique to each person:
Watch my kids grow up...See my daughter all dressed up for her prom; listen to my son's voice change as he grows to be as big as his daddy; watch them both get married; hold grandchildren in my arms....Grow old with my husband.....Just some thoughts...
And too many dreams to count....
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