Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My husband

To my husband, Ed; At the risk of sounding cheesy and too sappy, you are my knight, my rock, my better half, my soul mate...You amaze me.
You have listened tirelessly to all my worries, fears...dreams.
All the while, having fears and worries of your own, yet only rarely making them known. You fix things for a is your job; something you have an innate knowledge of how to do. On some levels, it must drive you literally crazy not to be able to fix this...Yet you don't let it show if it does...
You are always giving of yourself, helping others, being there for them, as you have been there every time for me...Your strength, support, and constant caring have meant more than the world to me since we came upon this detour in the road together in 2003.

Caregivers face a battle of their own; unique in the way that only the loved one of a cancer patient can experience.
Caregivers are the true heroes; their strength, their compassion, their support despite all odds, and above all else, their constant love...
Keeping their own worries so close, guarded and separated from ours as patients...always putting us first. We know, in reality, they all need support too, maybe even more than we do; a shoulder to lean on and just let it all out.
All of them have never stopped inspiring and amazing me, and my husband is no exeption.

Ed, I hope with all my heart that this is just a hurdle; a bump in that long road we will travel together into old age. I pray that I will be right there by your side, holding your hand as we go charging ahead into the future. I know that no matter what we come up against, I can face it with you right by my side; I can face anything.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful...just beautiful

Anonymous said...

HI Shannon,
You always inspire me with your optimism, your love and your compassion. Ed, like you is surely blessed. You are one amazing lady and I am so glad I have had the privilege to know you, if only in cybre space. I promise we will meet some day.
Love and Light