With all the seemingly insane moments these last couple of months, I have fluctuated wildly between near hysteria to a state of total blank out. Guess my brain is trying to shut down after being too overstimulated lately.
I can feel myself slipping into a complete and utter stupor at times; sometimes roaming through the house like a zombie, completely zoned out.
Once I kiss the kiddos and put 'em on the bus, the zombie induced state of mind creeps in....Assuming I need this cycle of unwinding or my mind would suffer some level of irreparable damage.
Just so damned lazy lately...
So much stimulation that when I have had a chance to unwind, I am like a balloon someone lets go of without tying the knot to hold the air in; flying around the room until all the air is let out, then lying there all limp and shriveled up.
Okay...a bit of a minor exaggeration there, but close. Yep. That fairly to moderately resembles me during quiet periods lately.
You would think I would be utilizing my time once the kids are in school wisely...but noooo.
Into the zone I go.
Just sapped; literally wiped OUT.
Actually wrote "clean me now" in the dust on my bedroom dresser while a dust bunny the size of a tumble weed rolled by and came to a rest by my feet. I finally snapped out of my daze long enough to realize that I really need to get my head outta my @$$!
Okay, I am prone to exaggerate quite often.
Although my routine has slackened off to an all time low, my housecleaning attempts have been feeble at best, and I really need to get on the ball and start stockpiling some form of prepared grub for my family to cook with ease while I am out of commission (which I am hoping will be only for a very BRIEF time). I am pretty certain that there won't be any casserole brigade in my neck of the woods, so I got two days.
Just completely lacking the motivation right at the moment. Running on fumes. I can feel my eyes glazing over and the self induced lethargy creeping into my bones; held on to way too much tension for too long there...Sustaining a sizeable level of fear can make you pretty bombed out at times.
As with most rought spots we hit, I know that this too will pass, I just hope it is sooner rather than later; before the dust bunnies overtake our home, rise up in revolt, and the natives grow restless wondering what manner of whack job has replaced their wife and mother.
1 comment:
My attitude about the dust bunnies in my house is: party on guys!
Shannon, I want to wish you the best of luck on your surgery and know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
As ever, Carver
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